There may be numerous hard money lending companies doing business, but not all of them are legit or provide the peace of mind of knowing you’re working with an established company. M&M Private Lending Group, LLC has been in the business for decades and we strictly adhere to all laws on a local and national level.
If you’ve been thinking about choosing a hard money loan, we would like to provide some insight for anyone who may be wondering whether or not they’re a good candidate. A hard money loan is highly flexible when it comes to circumstances and candidates. Many borrowers run into a situation where they cannot receive the money they require by choosing a traditional lending company such as a bank, or the process may take too long. If you’re a Realtor, a foreign investor, or someone who plans to invest in a property to flip it, a hard money loan is a fantastic solution.
A major benefit of choosing us is our commitment to close loans in just a matter of days versus months so you can get the money you need faster.
Call 305-363-7169 or 954-445-4434 to speak with a lending representative about our Florida private loans or visit our website at to fill out an application form.